5 Reasons Why Is Python So Popular In 2024?

Hello Pythonistas welcome back! Today we will see 5 major reasons that explain why is Python so popular.

Python is among the top 10 most popular programming languages according to the 2023 developer survey

Here, we will see why is python so popular.

Previous post what is python?

Easy To Learn

As I said(ok ok wrote) earlier it is one of the easiest programming languages.

Wondering🤔 why?

Well, it is English-like, has easy syntax(grammar or way of writing), and emphasizes readability. (if you don’t know indentation (proper spacing) is compulsory in python)

Another major reason for this consideration is the large number of powerful💪 libraries. They do a lot of things for you easily.

Has an Active, Supportive Community

Programming can become a challenging task if many people don’t use the language you use.

For example, say you got an error❗❌ and are unable😥 to figure out the solution from the documentation 📝that’s where you need the help of the community👍🤝.

Python has a large and active👨‍💻👩‍💻 community to help you out when stuck.

It is Flexible

There are many programming languages designed(or say written) for specific purposes and cannot be used for anything else.

In such a case you would need to learn multiple languages.

It is like if you want to cook noodles🍝 you would need to learn Chinese, for pizzas🍕 Italian, and for french fries🍟 French.

To save you from these problems python is a general-purpose language (It can perform multiple tasks). it’s like you only need to learn English to cook them all😋.

Empowers Custom Automation

Python is well known for its power💪 of automation and easily executing of tasks.

It has a bunch of libraries to automate boring😪 number-related tasks like changing the names of 1000 files. If done manually📝 it can take hours. But, python can do it in seconds.

More Work, In Fewer Lines

Not only this python takes fewer lines of code for this purpose or for any other purpose compared to other programming languages.

LanguagesCode to print “Hello World”
Pythonprint("Hello World")
Javaclass HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
C++#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;
Programming Languages and Code to print "Hello World" in them

Some other reasons for Python’s popularity are:-

it offers versatile web development solutions and is also great for data science and analytics and is efficient, fast, and reliable also widely used with IoT(Internet of Things like Home Security, AR Glasses, Motion Detection...) Technology and so on…😥😥

Hope your curiosity about why is python so popular got satisfied now.

Comment below suggestions if there and tell us whether you liked it or not.

See you in the next post till then have a great time. Bye bye👋😊

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