A Dynamic Text Styler: CTkSegmentedButton In CustomTkinter

Hello, Pythonistas Welcome Back. Today we will see how to make a fully functional modern segmented button in CustomTkinter.

We will use the CTkSegmentedButton Widget.

How Does CTkSegmentedButton Look?

A Sample CTkSegmentedButton

Basic Code

This is how you can make a simple segmented button in CustomTkinter (or CTk).

# Importing necessary module
from customtkinter import CTk, CTkSegmentedButton

# Creating an App class that inherits from CTk (Custom Tkinter)
class App(CTk):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() # Calling the constructor of the superclass (CTk)
        self.title("SegmentedButton Example")

        # Creating a CTkSegmentedButton instance within the window, specifying values and a callback function
        self.se = CTkSegmentedButton(self, values=["Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3"],
        self.se.pack(padx=20, pady=20) 

    # Callback function to handle segmented button clicks
    def callback(self, value):
        print("segmented button clicked:", value)

app = App()

Like any other widget in CTk, it is created and pushed to the window.

Instead of providing just one value a list of values is provided. Each item in the list forms an button.

As it is like a button you can give it a command function to shoot when you click a particular button.

It takes a compulsory argument master. This will specify where it will stay.

A Sample Modern Segmented Button

We will make an A Dynamic Text Styler!

It will be a graphical interface where a label’s text color changes dynamically based on the selection made in a segmented button.

A Dynamic Text Styler CTkSegmentedButton

All you need to do is:

  1. Create a dictionary of color names and their codes.
  2. Create a simple label.
  3. Create a segmented button having color names as values. (I have set colors for a better interface)
  4. Now create a function that changes the selected_color of the segmented button and text_color of the label, using the configure method.

That’s it!

Complete Source Code(Click Here For Complete Code)
# Importing necessary module
from customtkinter import CTk, CTkSegmentedButton, CTkLabel

# Creating an App class that inherits from CTk (Custom Tkinter)
class App(CTk):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() # Calling the constructor of the superclass (CTk)
        self.title("Color the text")
        self.colors = {"Pink": "#FFC0CB", "Yellow": "#BED754", "Orange": "#E3651D"}

        self.color_me = CTkLabel(self, text="Color Me!")
        # Creating a CTkSegmentedButton instance within the window, specifying values, callback function, text_color, and unselected_color.
        self.se = CTkSegmentedButton(self, values=["Pink", "Yellow", "Orange"],
                                                    command=self.callback,unselected_color="White", text_color="Black")
        self.se.pack(padx=20, pady=20) 

    # Callback function to handle segmented button clicks
    def callback(self, value):
        self.se.configure(selected_color=self.colors[value], selected_hover_color=self.colors[value])

app = App()

All Configurations

masterroot, frame, top-level
corner_radiuscorner radius in px
valueslist of string values for the buttons, can’t be empty
variableStringVar to control the current selected value
state“normal” (standard) or “disabled” (not clickable, darker color)
commandfunction will be called when the dropdown is clicked manually
dynamic_resizingenable/disable automatic resizing when text is too big to fit: True (standard), False

I am not going to give any challenges at the end of such articles as they are just for your quick reference.

Note I haven’t included all the methods and attributes. You can always get that on the documentation.

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