Day 4: Why Data In ML Is Super Powerful?

Hello to all, how was your day four?? Comment down fast, first. With my #7daysofml day4.

I hope it was great. Here’s how mine went.


Goals For The Day

  1. Visualize data to gain some insights
  2. Looking for correlations in the data
  3. Experimenting with Attributes
    • Combining some
    • Creating new ones.

Experience Of The Day: Data In ML

Today was quite light and lazy for the challenge. Because I had some unexpected commitments that I had to fulfill.

But today, I got much better insights into the data.

I saw:

  • How all the elements (attributes) affect each other
  • How the main attribute is correlated to each other, and
  • How messed up the data is.
  • (Not all messed up but it has a lot of inconsistencies and extreme cases that needs to be worked upon.).

I plotted a lot of different charts a played around experimenting with them.

Every proceeding day I feel machine learning is more about finding, processing, and preparing the data than about algorithms.

They are no doubt a lot important. But they don’t work well without the previous one done correctly.

Matplotlib turned out to be my best friend today.

#7daysofml Day 4 Notes

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