Day 14: A Simple Text Editor In Python CTk
Welcome to Day Fourteen of my 21-day project series! Today I made a Simple Text Editor In Python CTk. This is just a step towards making a very useful editor…
Welcome to Day Fourteen of my 21-day project series! Today I made a Simple Text Editor In Python CTk. This is just a step towards making a very useful editor…
Welcome to Day Thirteen of my 21-day project series! Today I made a YouTube Video Downloader GUI In Python. This will help us save all our favorite YouTube videos permanently…
Welcome to Day Twelve of my 21-day project series! Today I made a Login Form GUI With CSV In Python. This can help in securing all useful and functional apps...…
Welcome to Day Eleven of my 21-day project series! Today I have made a fun Word Guessing Game in python It's fun to play such things at times... Do read…
Welcome to Day Ten of my 21-day project series! Today I have made for you (and me) Your Own Gallery in Python. It's a great relief to just scroll through…