Day 5: What Should Be The Next Challenge??

Hello to all, how was your day five of the challenge?? Comment down fast, first. With my #7daysofml day5.

I hope it was great. Here’s how mine went.


Before we get onto that Day 5, we are about to end the challenge!!

I can’t believe that 2 days from now I’ll have my very first Machine Learning project.

Yes, it’s all far from perfect. I am yet to learn a lot. But, it’s done. The first step, the hindrance, the fear, the basic idea thing all set.

My learning insight for today is pretty straightforward, there is no perfect time to start and that motivation comes from action.

Lifelong learning.

Also, tell me what do you guys think should be my next challenge??

  1. Machine Learning (toolkit step by step)
  2. DSA Challenge
  3. Building a project from scratch in milestones.
  4. A no-library machine learning
  5. Geeks for geeks 90 days 90% Challenge
  6. Or something else.

Comment down below what you think it should be. NOW!

Goals For The Day

Today’s goal was simply preparing the data to be fed to an algorithm. And creating a data transformation pipeline.

Learnings Of The Day: In ML

I thought I needed to clean the data using a few Python lines and that would be stored in probably a new CSV.

But, I was wrong.

Instead, I was supposed to create a functionality that can transform(clean or prepare) the data and bring it on.

It goes as and when required.

Also, according to me, I was supposed to ignore the text data column. But to my surprise, we can use that. And that’s very useful too.

Then, I realized how important the sklearn library is. At least, when you don’t want to do all that complicated work yourself.

All in all, it was a light, fun, and witful😉 day.

Let me know how was yours. FAST!!

#7daysofml Day 5 Notes

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