Remove An Image Background using Python: In less than 20 Lines

Hello Pythonistas, welcome back. Today we will explore how to remove an image background using python.

We would use the removebg module for this.

If you do not know is a very popular and free background removal service.

Remove An Image Background using Python

Get Your API Key

Sign Up for an Account:

  • Visit the website.
  • Click on the “Sign Up” button and create an account. If you already have an account, simply log in.

Get Your API Key:

  • After logging in, go to the API section of the website.
  • You will find your API key there. Copy the key.

Steps To Remove An Image Background using Python

First install the module:-

pip install removebg

Now, import the module and store the input path of the image in one variable and the output path.

from removebg import RemoveBg

input_path = 'projects//images//wednesday.jpeg'
output_path = 'projects//images//wednesday.png'

Connect with the service and remove the image’s background:-

API_KEY = 'your_api_key'  # Replace with your actual API key

rmbg = RemoveBg(API_KEY, "error.log")

print("Background removed")

This will create a file that has the image with the background removed.

To make that file have your desired name:-

# Rename the output file
import os
os.rename("projects/images/wednesday.jpeg_no_bg.png", output_path)
print("Final image saved")

Full Source Code

from removebg import RemoveBg

input_path = 'projects//images//wednesday.jpeg'
output_path = 'projects//images//wednesday.png'

API_KEY = 'your_api_key'  # Replace with your actual API key

rmbg = RemoveBg(API_KEY, "error.log")

print("Background removed")

# Rename the output file
import os
os.rename("projects/images/wednesday.jpeg_no_bg.png", output_path)
print("Final image saved")

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