Question 22: Singed and Unsinged Integers In Python

This question tests your understanding of Singed and Unsinged Integers In Python.

What would be the output of the following code snippet?

import array as arr
numbers_list = [5,6,8]

nums_1 = arr.array('f', [])
nums_2 = arr.array('I', numbers_list)

nums_3 = arr.array('i', numbers_list)


Answer: B


  • nums_1 is an empty array of floats.
  • nums_2 is an array of unsigned integers containing 5, 6, and 8.
  • numbers_list is modified to include -9.
  • nums_3 is an array of signed integers containing 5, 6, 8, and -9.
  • The length of nums_3 is 4.

So, the final output of the code will be:


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