Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time

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Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time.

  • connect coming soon
  • connect overview

Welcome to a New Chapter on

Today, we’re kicking off something exciting, practical, and, most importantly, structured.

If you’ve been following my earlier work, like Stick To It or Heartline, you’ll know I love experimenting.

But this time, we’re diving into a well-thought-out plan, aimed at delivering consistent, impactful learning.

Here’s the idea:

  • 5 steps a day (excluding weekends), taking you through building something meaningful.
  • Small, manageable chunks that won’t feel overwhelming.
  • Challenges along the way to level up your problem-solving.
  • Projects that don’t stop at just code—we’ll aim to take them all the way to deployment with proper documentation.

This isn’t about building pre-designed projects.

Instead, you’ll see the entire journey, including the errors and debugging that come with real-world coding.

We’ll start with simple projects and gradually evolve into advanced, realistic builds.

Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time

Sound exciting?

Let’s jump into the first app in this series!

Introducing: Connect – A Photo Sharing App

Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time

We’re starting with a straightforward app called Connect, a primitive version of Instagram.

While the feature set is basic, this app will help us set the foundation for bigger ideas.

Let’s get started with Step 0!

Step 0: Setting Up Flutter

Before we dive into building, let’s ensure your development environment is ready.

Take your time with this. A solid setup saves a lot of headaches later on.

Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time

Step 1: Creating Your Flutter Project

  1. Create a folder on your system.
  2. Open VS Code, hit Command Palette, and search for “Create Flutter Project.”
  3. Name the project and save it in the folder you just created.
  4. Attach your device or enable your virtual emulator, and run the app.

You should see something like this on your screen:

Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time

If you’ve completed Steps 0 and 1, take a break!

Step 2: Features Outline

Here’s a quick look at the features we’ll implement in Connect:

  1. Authentication (login, register, logout, forgot password (for people like myself 😅))
  2. Uploading and deleting posts
  3. Liking ❣️ and commenting on posts
  4. Following/unfollowing users
  5. Viewing profiles
  6. Search functionality
  7. Light/Dark Mode toggle
  8. Responsive design for web and mobile

Simple yet effective. Let’s move on to the real work in Step 3.

Step 3: Folder Structure

Time to clean up the auto-generated files and create a structure for clean, maintainable code:

➡️Click to view main.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return const MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: Scaffold(),

Inside the lib folder, create:

  • features/auth/data/
  • features/auth/domain/
  • features/auth/presentation/

Here’s how it looks:

Step 3 Folder Structure

Each layer has a purpose, and we’ll build them step by step. For now, let’s start with the Domain Layer.

Step 4: Defining the User Entity

In the domain folder, create a subfolder called entities/ and a file named app_user.dart.

Here’s what we’ll include:

  • A class with 3 properties: userID, email, and name.
  • Two methods:
    • Convert JSON to User Class.
    • Convert User Class to JSON.
➡️Click to View the Code of app_user.dart
class AppUser {
  final String uid;
  final String email;
  final String name;

    required this.uid, 

  //convert app user to => json
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    return {
  //convert json to => app user
  factory AppUser.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> jsonUser) {
    return AppUser(
      uid: jsonUser['uid'],
      email: jsonUser['email'],
      name: jsonUser['name']

This sets the groundwork for efficient data handling using lightweight JSON structures.

Step 5: Building the Auth Repository

In the domain folder, create a repos/ folder and a file called auth_repo.dart.

This file will define an abstract class outlining our app’s authentication operations:

  1. Login with email and password
  2. Register with email and password
  3. Logout
  4. Get Current User
➡️Click to View the Code of auth_repo.dart
// Outlines the possible authentication related operations of this Connect.
import 'package:connect/features/auth/domain/entities/app_user.dart';

abstract class CAuthRepo {
  Future<CAppUser?> loginWithEmailPassword(String email, String password);
  Future<CAppUser?> registerWithEmailPassword(String name, String email, String password);
  Future<void> logout();
  Future<CAppUser?> getCurrentUser();

Next, move to the data folder and create firebase_auth_repo.dart, where we’ll implement these methods.

And that’s it for today!

What’s Next?

Tomorrow, we’ll dive into setting up Firebase for the app.

For beginners, this might have been a solid 2-day sprint (installation alone can be tricky).

For pros, this was likely a 10-minute warm-up.

Either way, the goal here is to build daily momentum while breaking down complex problems into achievable steps.

Let me know how you’re finding this format and if there’s anything I can do to make it even better for you.

Stay happy, and keep coding! See you tomorrow. 🚀

Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time Building Connect 5 Steps At A Time

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