CTkScrollbar: ScrollBar In CustomTkinter

Hello, Pythonistas Welcome Back. Today we will see how to make a fully functional modern Scroll bar in CustomTkinter.

We will use the CTkScrollbar Widget.

How Does CTkScrollbar Look?

A Sample CTkScrollbar

Basic Code

This is how you can make a simple Scroll Bar in CustomTkinter (or CTk).

from customtkinter import CTk, CTkTextbox, CTkScrollbar
class App(CTk):
    def __init__(self):

        # Create a TextBox and disable its default scrollbar
        self.textbox = CTkTextbox(self, activate_scrollbars=False)
        self.textbox.grid(row=0, column=0)

        # create CTk scrollbar and connect it to the textbox
        self.scrollbar = CTkScrollbar(self, command=self.textbox.yview)
        self.scrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1)

        # connect textbox scroll event to CTk scrollbar
app = App()

Like any other widget in CTk, it is created and pushed to the window.

It cannot be used alone you need another widget like a text box. As the textbox has a default scrollbar we first need to disable it.

Next, we need to connect this scrollbar to the text box’s scroll event. That’s it!

It takes a compulsory argument master. This will specify where it will stay.

Why Do We Need An External Scroll Bar?

Well, it’s for those who want every nitty-gritty under their control.

It’s used to give a custom look to the scrollbar. That’s it.

All Configurations

masterroot, tkinter.Frame or CTkFrame
commandfunction of scrollable widget to call when scrollbar is moved
widthbutton width in px
heightbutton height in px
corner_radiuscorner radius in px
border_spacingforeground space around the scrollbar in px (border)
fg_colorforground color, tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color or “transparent”
button_colorscrollbar color, tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color
button_hover_colorscrollbar hover color, tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color
minimum_pixel_lengthminimum length of scrollbar in px
orientation“vertical” (standard), “horizontal”
hoverhover effect (True/False)

I am not going to give any challenges at the end of such articles as they are just for your quick reference.

Note I haven’t included all the methods and attributes. You can always get that on the documentation.

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