Ep3 – From Storytelling to Startups: Must-Try Tech Tools for 2024

Hello Pythonistas welcome back. Today I have brought to you 4 must-try tech tools for 2024 under the series Tech Tool Spotlight.💡

This list includes tools for creative writers, designers, and entrepreneurs. I loved the second one.

Let’s get started.


From kids to adults, everyone loves stories so, much so that there are paid courses on storytelling!

What if I tell you that there is a platform where you can write your own stories with strangers online?

All you need to do is choose what happens next and then see how others continue the story.

It’s a fun tool do give it a try.

“Write stories with strangers, one sentence at a time.”


Now as I started exploring it this became my favorite tool out of the 4. You can do almost everything with this one.

Start your own blog, newsletter, or podcast. That too for free.

If you choose to make your content paid they take some percentage of your revenue.

I am yet to try this out for my blog. But, I’ll definitely share the experience once I do.

“With Substack, anyone can start a publication that combines a personal website, blog, and email newsletter or podcast. It’s quick and simple”


Now, I am a very bad designer and I always need some inspiration to design websites and apps.

Godly has a bunch of beautiful and awesome web designs.

“A collection of astronomically good web design inspiration.”

House Of Pitch

This is like a tinder for startups. You pitch your idea and the investors can swipe yes or no based on whether they want to invest in it or not.

Again it seems like an amazing concept. But, I haven’t tried it yet. Cause I do not have any business idea.🥲

“Pitch your startup, news, or ideas and get a Yes or No answer from world-class investors, journalists, and founders. They claim over 30% acceptance rate.”

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