On The Quest of Building Logic: A Unique Project Experiment

Building Logic

Over the past few days, building a good project and finding ideas to strengthen my logic as a programmer have completely occupied my mind.

Now, I’m a bit nervous about announcing this idea on an online platform, especially my blog, because I’m worried I might not be able to follow through with it.

It might sound silly to some and useless to many more.

But my goal is simple: I want to solve one problem that’s been bothering me.

And yes, a solution to this problem already exists. But, for some reason, it doesn’t work in my locality yet.

That’s why I want to build it.

The Idea: Building Logic

The idea is very simple, and I credit ChatGPT for helping me brainstorm it so quickly and easily with its questioning.

I’m sure it will also be a huge help in building it.

The name I’ve chosen is: “Apni Dukan”

I know you might have already guessed where the inspiration came from.

Anyway, I’ll be building a cross-platform app, or rather, software, using Flutter.

The aim is to create a simple, user-friendly platform where local shop owners and buyers can connect seamlessly.

It will be a marketplace app that connects local sellers with buyers in their area.

It could include features like in-app messaging, reviews, and location-based services.

I don’t know the exact features yet.

Why This?

Well, because I think I can find users for this one too.

Not that it’s easy for me to go out and talk to people and say, “Hey, this is my product. Try it and let me know what needs to improve.”

That’s tough for any introvert like myself. But at some point, I need to get over that awkwardness.

Also, this would be a complete package. I’ll get to understand all 5 platforms and all sorts of concepts, from authentication to payment, including searching and messaging.

It’s good for my programming skills too. Plus, I’ll learn how to manage something deployed across so many platforms.

What About The Previous Idea?

I know that previously I said I was working on a productivity app called “Chillpill.”

I’m still building that too. But because I was trying to teach how I was building it, it took twice the time I assumed every day.

That’s why I’m no longer posting about that.

I won’t repeat the same mistake. I might just share my journal that I maintain for every project I build (which has been a good habit I got from my internship).

What Next?

Well, I’ll start making wireframes tomorrow.

Any Deadlines?

Honestly, I have so many things to do that I can’t afford a strict deadline.

But I promise to work 5 days a week on this, even if it’s just for 5 minutes on some days.

So, what are your views or suggestions? Would you like to join me in building this thing?

See you tomorrow! Until then, keep learning and keep coding…

Building Logic Building Logic Building Logic

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