Question 24: Understanding String Comparison with Unicode in Python

The output will help in understanding how string comparison with Unicode in Python occurs.

Question 24: String Comparison with Unicode in Python

What will be the output of the code below?

cl1 = "hello"
cl1_unicode = "hell\u00f6"
print(cl1 != cl1_unicode)

Answer: A


  • cl1 = “hello”: This string contains the characters “h”, “e”, “l”, “l”, “o”.
  • cl1_unicode = “hell\u00f6”: This string contains the characters “h”, “e”, “l”, “l”, followed by the Unicode character \u00f6, which represents “ö”.
  • When comparing cl1 and cl1_unicode:
  • “hello” is different from “hellö” because the last character in cl1_unicode (“ö”) is different from the last character in cl1 (“o”).
  • So, cl1 != cl1_unicode evaluates to True because the strings are not identical.

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