Who achieves success in life?

Hello Pythonistas, welcome back! I hope you are all doing well. 

This is a very raw article. I am writing this to share an insight I gained today after meeting some of my seniors. 

Who achieves success in life? 

The Incident

Although I am not Bill Gates or Elon Musk (just to name a few) to be able to comment on the subject, I do know about one thing that can stop you from being successful.

We recently started a student chapter at our college, and I am fortunate to be part of the core team responsible for building this chapter.

We were supposed to plan an inauguration event, and our faculty advisor wanted us to do something unique.

Since it is a cybersecurity club, the best idea I could think of was to demonstrate a hack live in front of the audience to train and engage them.

I thought the seniors would jump at this amazing opportunity and that I would have to wait for a few years to get my chance.

But, to my surprise, they said, “We haven’t been taught this yet. It’s not part of our syllabus. They’ll teach us networking next semester.” 

And I thought, So what?

We can learn it ourselves.

None of them were ready even to give it a try, and these are some of the best students at my college.

I am sure they could have accomplished it far better than I could imagine if they had given it a shot. 

So, maybe people do not achieve success in their lives because they do not take the initiative to do something extra. Something beyond the syllabus. Something extraordinary. 


Would we have Microsoft if Bill Gates had thought that nobody taught him how to build an operating system and monetize it?

If Elon Musk had thought that building electric cars or spacecraft wasn’t part of his syllabus, would there be Tesla or SpaceX? 

It dawned on me that all I need to do is keep trying my ideas and give my 100%.

Some things might not work, but that’s okay because, in the end, those who don’t try never fail.

And if you never try, you’ll never know. 

My Experience So Far

Although I am not as successful as they are, I believe that everything great starts small.

My college hasn’t taught us how to build a full-stack web app or a mobile app, but I have completed over seven projects.

I was never taught Flutter in school or college, but I got an internship because of it.

Nobody taught me how to build and start a blog on WordPress, what SEO is, or how to make articles rank on the first page of Google.

If I had thought that way, python-hub.com would never have become a reality. 

Similarly, no one has ever taught me ethical hacking, but I am confident I’ll get that done for this inauguration.

And I’ll surely share the experience here. 

We live in the information age, so we can’t make excuses like “no one taught me that.” 

What do you guys think? When was the last time where you gave that extra shot??

Share your stories I would love to know.😊

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