How To Actually Be Consistent??

Hello Pythonistas, welcome back. Today’s article is a bit off-tech topic.

So if you just like those projects and tutorials skim through some other articles.

But if you are interested in this raw take away stick around.

Today I’ll tell you how I figured out: How To Actually Be Consistent?

Warning it has quite more memes!

Why I Had to Figure Out: How To Actually Be Consistent?

Have you ever heard of this “If you are passionate about something and if you love to do something consistency comes in handy”?

Whenever I search on Google or YouTube for why I am not consistent enough I always get an answer resonating with the above statement.

You don’t like what you do and that’s why you are not consistent.

But, that’s not really the truth at least for me. I mean I really love 3 things:

  1. coding,
  2. mathematics, and
  3. writing these blogs.

I live through everything else somehow.

When I am into any of these there’s no way that I would know how many hours passed by.

I forget to eat when I am working on these and my mom hates me for that. 😅

The moral of the story is that I like what I am doing.

And I don’t have a huge social group be it online or offline.

So, I do not have any real big distractions.

But yet I was always unable to stay consistent. And couldn’t understand why??

When these videos didn’t work for me.

I tried productivity books, just to realize the videos were almost always a summary of one such book. 😅

So, I decided to observe and experiment.

I have been experimenting with different things for almost 2 months now.

And something struck right.

You can see that yourself, I am writing ✍️ 1 article daily on the blog and I am also coding and practicing mathematics regularly.

It wasn’t one thing that worked. So here’s a list.

The Perfection Fever

Even if one line of the article seemed not so good to me I used to delete the whole article.

I always aimed for a 100/100 input.

That’s good but bits and ounces of boring lines in the article don’t make it a useless coding guide.

It took me almost 3-4 days sometimes a week to write 1 article.

And my observations said that this perfection makes me scared of the very idea of even starting out.

As I don’t get either:

  • The “time-pass dopamine” or
  • The “yeah I did it dopamine”.

Instead felt anxious.

When I dropped being a perfectionist for everything I do I noticed that I am suddenly more consistent.

Also, articles got more views this way. Crazy isn’t it?

Health: What’s that??

The last thing I ever focused on in my life was my health. My sleep schedule sucked, I hardly remember what I ate and when I ate last.

I wouldn’t have been serious about it but the doctor’s warnings worked.

I am still no fitness freak but I at least do not harm my health unnecessarily.

This saved me almost 1 week every month. Because I no longer need that many sick leaves.

Mom was right!!

Journaling was my best friend

I used to journal inconsistently earlier.

But some insight came and I realized I was more productive in periods when I was Journaling.

So I started that again.

It did 2 things for me:

  1. My whole heart’s frustration went out.
  2. And my forgetful brain🧠🤯 didn’t need to remember anything. It was more clear and focused.

This is the best thing an introvert could gift to themselves.

Lastly, I won’t say that I am a productivity guru.

I am just sharing what I learned from bits of my struggles with consistency.

And if you want to take just one take away it would be to keep yourself happy and healthy.

Don’t overburden yourself. Keep it light. There’s no use in getting there through a mental asylum.

I hope you all enjoy reading this. See you soon till then, Happy coding…

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