
So, starting today, 01-07-2023, I have decided to take up a challenge for myself. #21Days21Projects

From today I’ll make one☝️ python mini-project every day.

Well, why this?

Because, I have heard till the deafening of my ears from teachers👩‍🏫, seniors👩, YouTubers, and everyone I know, that building up projects of your own with your unique twist in it is a great👌 way to become a better developer fast⏩.

And yes this isn’t the first time I have decided to do something like this. I have tried it a lot of times. Like more the than the years in my age.

And mostly I haven’t accomplished it till the end.

Sometimes I tried DSA, sometimes with solving some random questions, watching a tutorial, or being consistent on my blog. Though, I do complete them, but never in the bounded time.

Majorly cause something happens and I quit.

But, I can’t go on and give up on trying to be successful just because I failed a few times. I take that as a learning process. And sincerely saying no matter what happens I feel more enriched every time I do something like this.

All this is cool. But why am I sharing this online?

Well, that for me, is an extra way to ensure🤝 my consistent behavior and to get you readers📖 along with me in the journey of pushing ourselves to be better than before.

It’s not much fun alone so I decided to do it with you. (Yes, you,🫵 the one who is reading this)

I invite you to join➕💪🧠 this challenge with me not necessarily for python programming, or for building projects.

Just for getting a better version of yourself together with me.

Now, I will be posting these projects a day delayed cause believe it or not it’s tough to convert a project into an article.

This means that the project I’ll make today will be up and out tomorrow.

So, are you joining in or leaving me alone?

Come and join #21Days21Projects

I’ll add links to all the projects I undertake here:👇

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